If you read my last post, you noticed I'm considering adding abstract and surrealism to my usual types of painting.
Well, I have an abstract painting in progress now, and so far, I'd have to say there's a little more to it than what meets the eye.
While I do believe it takes more effort, skill and time to make the kind of paintings I do, abstract art involves more than "slopping" paint on a canvas, which is how I've sometimes heard the process described. There is obviously a way of doing it that provides a piece which is still interesting to look at. Admittedly, I'm more concerned with using color and making the paintings "pretty" so people will want them. But working out textures and many overlays of color is the part that is eluding me at this time.
So for now, I decided to put that painting aside and begin working on a work that shows Balboa Park in San Diego, CA. At least it'll be a non-desert piece, but it will be quite classical in it's look --- I'd say in the Dutch tradition. I hope it'll find a home, most likely in a show or gallery in San Diego or La Jolla.
Wish me luck!