Sunday, December 27, 2009

Good Riddance 2009!

Only a few more days, and we can deep-six 2009 forever. Good riddance, frankly! Most of us have suffered, some greatly, as a result of the economic situation we've been struggling with. I hope you'll join me in hoping and praying 2010 will be better.

In the meantime, I never got into the habit of making New years resolutions, and I don't plan to start now. But I do happen to have some goals for 2010, so maybe we can go there:
  • Sell more art

  • Sell even more art!

  • Branch out and diversify -- not so much in art style, but in subject matter. Maybe even style!

  • Further develop my drawing skills: animals and people. I want to be much better than I am now in drawing (and painting) human beans and critters.

  • Sell lots and lots of art

Those seem like reasonable and do-able goals to me! Wish me luck! And I'll hope and pray for a more prosperous year for all of us!

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