Showing posts with label art business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art business. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Telling the Story

When I got going in the art biz, I assumed if people liked the art, they would just buy it if it was in their budget. Well...some people do, many do not.

I read an online article about factors that make art saleable besides the image, style or other stuff about the art itself. The artist him/herself is a big factor, as is the "story" behind the painting.

According to the article, "the art speaks for itself" isn't good enough for collectors. They want the other things, too. The author used the example of forgeries -- accurate copies of existing artwork that only experts can tell are forgeries. Same images, only the "stories" are different -- and that's why a forgery would never sell for the price of an original masterpiece except under fraudulent circumstances.

By extrapolation, the same principle applies to original works that are NOT forgeries. I knew an artist from somewhere in Africa who did colorful, ethnic figurative paintings, and the artist had very detailed explanations of what every part of the image represented -- an actual story. Buyers loved it, and he sold like crazy!

I, on the other hand, could only explain that this desert landscape painting is in so-and-so place, and I liked the place so much, I wanted to paint it. Frankly, I never knew what else to say, and I couldn't figure out how to apply what my African artist friend said about his work.

I can't say how much of a problem this has been for me in the past. Where I live in southern California, impressionism tends to be more well-received than traditional/classical realism. I still have an online presence, but I no longer try that hard to sell paintings. I paint what I want to paint and take it more slowly.

And that's actually OK!

Mark Junge or

Monday, March 1, 2021


OK, OK...I didn't post anything for the month of February (which seemed to slip by awfully fast, didn't it?)

Not that I haven't been painting -- I've been wanting to get better at rendering portraits and figurative work, so I painted a lovely young female Facebook friend just to see how I would do. It's a ways from the level I would like to be at, but I'd say it ain't bad. (However, I didn't get her permission to post it anywhere -- maybe I'll show it here in the near future).

Meanwhile, I have three paintings in progress now, and I have ideas in my head for more.

So I'll keep moving onward and upward! Practice drawing and painting human beans, and paint landscapes that show the drama nature can unleash on us, as well as pretty scenes that will make you want to go there! or