Good grief -- I just realized I didn't post at all during March!!
But now it's April, I survived April Fool's Day, and I'm moving forward -- finally!
I finished two paintings last month. One is a somewhat surreal piece which, as usual, I can never really explain. The other is a scene from Joshua Tree National Park and is definitely a miniature painting -- 7" x 5" / 17.8cm x 12.7cm. My plan is to make several (or many) paintings this size and make them available as tabletop pieces to the many tourists who visit the National Park. They'll be offered with mini easels, or the collectors can have them framed if they prefer.
Memories of the Dark 11" x 14"/27.9cm x 35.6cm |
Hi Desert in Bloom 7" x 5"/17.8cm x 12.7cm |
In the meantime, have a blessed Easter! Be on the lookout for more paintings!
Mark Junge or